The Pacifier

2010-08-23 19:26:19 / 0 kommentarer ..

Såg den här filmen eftersom Mattias aldrig hade sett den!
Och jag är inte less på den än :D
Hur bra som helst!

Betyg: 5/5

"When your down and low , lower than the floor.
And you feel like you ain't got a chance.
Don't make a move till your in the groove. And do the Peter Panda dance.
Hop 3 times Like a kangeroo.
Side step twice just like those crabs do.
3 Steps forward one step back.
Quick like a turtle lie on your back.
Roll like a log till you can't roll no more.
Hop up quick like there ain't no floor. ... And jump to the left.
And that's the Peter, I swear that's the Peter.
Thats the Peter Panda Dance"

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